Soursop (Guanabana)
Annona muricata
Soursops have spiny skin and a soft fleshy interior. The fruit can grow to be over a foot long! The tree can grow up to 30 feet tall and 20 feet wide. Let the fruit stay on the tree until the skin changes color and the spines soften. Once picked, let them ripen at room temperature for about 4 to 5 days.
- Full Sun
- Water regularly
- USDA Zone: 10-13
Soursops can grow in most soils, but prefer rich, well-draining, semi-dry soil. Water your soursop tree regularly. Pruning is not required, but it is best to remove damaged branches once harvest is over. Soursops tend to fruit continuously, but have a more productive season between June and September in Florida. Plant your soursop tree at least 12 feet away from other trees, buildings, or other obstructions.
Soursops can grow in most soils, but prefer rich, well-draining, semi-dry soil. Water your soursop tree regularly. Pruning is not required, but it is best to remove damaged branches once harvest is over. Soursops tend to fruit continuously, but have a more productive season between June and September in Florida. Plant your soursop tree at least 12 feet away from other trees, buildings, or other obstructions.